What's your secret to stay on top?
There’s a competition to design a stamp for Mental Health Day. Apparently this is a huge fundraiser for both the Post Office and the MH society.
Once the artist completed the design, the entry gets posted online and by the end of the month the viewer will be the judge. The creator is supposed to market the likeability's by wearing a T-shirt, talking to the local newspapers and link it on Facebook.
What excites me about the corpus at this point, is the variety of ideas on sound sanity. It’s about friendship and hardship; taking hands and letting go, imagining a safe place and finding a home, enjoying a job and volunteer, saying yes and saying no, thinking with your head and acting with your heart.
Most of us can add to the list still growing and please do.
To keep one’s wits in every season life throws at you, one has to be anchored whilst reaching for the top. Sometimes it's to shake a leaf, rely on inner sources, break a branch, but when summer comes it's to be fruitful, nurturing and to cast a shade.
Purchasing a mental health stamp to mail a payment, sympathy or kind regards? It doesn't matter, what matter is the someone behind the counter who can appreciate a customer playing to his or her heart’s content.
My wish for you is to design a stamp and to live it.
My wish for you is to design a stamp and to live it.