Sunday, March 30, 2014

Tea from Jodhpur

One could visit India for one reason - their teas.

Although the land harbors English tea plantations they’re known for indigenous herbal infusion or decoction to brew flavorful teas.

A winner is the Herbal Kashmeeri Kahwa from Jodhpur.  Two cinnamon sticks, two cardamom seeds, a little saffron, almond and Kahwa brewed for 5 minutes in two cups of water and you’re ready to enjoy a Kashmeeri Kahwa with a friend.  You’re in good company. Captain James Cook apparently participated in Kava Ceremonies during his South Sea travels.

Not only has this tea a delicate eastern taste to it, but also believed to bring solace to physical and emotional well being. The kava lactones, the active ingredient in Kahwa, gained recognition in the field of Medicine as an effective sedative. In the late sixties Germany amongst other countries banned the use of Kava because of possible liver irritations and interferences recorded with patients on chemical anti-depressants.

Kahwa says the Indian merchant around the corner reinforces the memory, eliminates panic attacks and reduces joint pains.  Not that one needs mental clarity per say, but if that gives one courage to get onto a tuc tuc why not?

Unforgettable the vibrant swatches of color, Indian bazaars, cows in the roads, rich tradition and temples, local celebrations, spice smelling and sitar music.

Best to leave the Kashmeeri Kahwa that enforces the memory behind.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The death of Snowman

This winter is relentless there’s no other word to describe that. Record low temperatures compare to 1950’s and some provinces under blizzard warnings with tons of snow predicted.

 Justin pretends to get ready for playtime in the backyard. He puts on his hat, boots and jacket and says outside.  The toddler knows when fantasy changes into parental reality. 
Spells of snow change into seasonal rain and the wind slams the wet against the glass door leading to the patio.   The takes off the outdoor gear, puts the boots and hat on the rack and returns to his toy car friends. Mommy is busy with Emily and a two-week-old baby can’t weather the cold.

The rays of sunshine stir him to spring activity. Oh hi sun! Elated Justin puts on the hat, jacket and boots runs to the glass door. Outside. The ice is a slippery patches of grass muddy. Snowman turned into a block of melting debris the carrot nose withered and the prune eyes eroded downwards. He pulls out the nose and eyes put that into a pail. Above him ducks in flight bring a quack cure. Soon they will take the yellow breed for a swim on the nearby pond. He sinks onto his knees rakes the crystals with a spade. A smile breaks on his face. Happy, happy.

Pancake call. Wet and cold Justin holds onto the rails climbs back the slippery stairs  towards the glass patio door.

Before he enters he turns around and waves.

Bye-bye Snowman.

He takes off the winter boots, hat and jacket puts them back on the rack.

Justin home - happy.

He knows how to word his joy.

The next time around the grass might have a greenish shade.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Big Brother

After the nine months incubation period the day has come. Monday and by eleven Dr. Jadi and his team were ready to help the Angel of Roses into the world.

Soon after the estimated time, brother Justin got his new sister. Not that he would grasp the extend of the implications of not being the only child anymore, because his second birthday was only in January.   With Mommy and sister in the hospital, Daddy Mike came home and Justin’s mind was set at ease. He adores Daddy and boys-time means tons of fun.

Baby Emily
On the second day Justin got a first look on the sibling he’s going to love and protect. With dark-haired tiny, Emily in Mommy’s arms the first bit of newness kicked in and when she cried, Justin was unsettled. “Emily sad,”  before he turned around and ran towards the exit. Justin was sad too.

The next day’s visit was expected to be more emotional than the first. Mommy was still in bed with Emily in her arms and Justin couldn’t cuddle as he would have liked to. Daddy said when Emily cries she’s not sad but hungry and that’s her way to let them know she needs a feeding.  Justin is a compassionate soul and when Emily started to tell the world she’s hungry, he was heart-broken.  

Big Brother

Amid a snowstorm, Mommy and Emily were good to go home.  Justin sat at the table, watching a movie on his iPad when the family got reunited. Emily sound asleep in her basket. Justin got from his chair and gauged his options. With the blowing snow against the windows Justin ran the stairs to get away from this strange happening, but suddenly realized he left the iPad with Emily. He had to turn around and moments later Justin was back in his chair, watching the familiar cartoon characters on screen. They’re his best friends and only to be shared when watched together. He didn’t eat much that day.

Then Nana came to visit. Nana and Justin are best friends when it comes to play and exploring. Then Nana took baby Emily in her arms. That was something for Justin to get used to and even though Nana invited him to sit next to her, he said “Justin sad”.  

Justin peeped at his sister and then went to his table with toys. He knew exactly what he needed to do. Two years old and able to express his emotions, he threw off the toys, saved his favourite pirate ship for last. Mommy let nature run its coarse and spoke kind words. Justin took his nurture cloth and turned his back on the scene and laid down between his toys. Daddy used the opportunity to wipe off the table and helped Justin to put them back. The ice of oddity was cracked and the road to adaptation paved.

Sibling Love
Emily was responding well to the milk, so satisfied and easy to feed and to sleep. She enjoyed being hold tightly and when Mommy asked Justin to bring her a blanket because Emily was cold, Justin took ownership of his newly gained status. Proud to participate he gave the blanket to Mommy and took his chair at the table where Daddy was.  Justin turned on the iPad and -

That dinner was the best he had in a long time. 

A big brother eat all his food and enjoy the show.

Photographs courtesy of Focused Photography