Mary comes from a conservative family to put it mildly. Every morning at five her mother sneaks out of the bedroom to lay the table; cook Oats on the wood-burning stove, bake muffins from scratch and to grind the beans for a fresh pot of coffee. When she hears the running water from the shower she goes upstairs and puts her husband’s clothes on the bed, the shirt freshly ironed, the socks paired and the tie to match the outfit.
Needless to say Mary, ranked as the forth child out of six acts upon her calling to put the small-town and good-wife mannerism behind, takes the pledge to stay single and embraces the challenge of being in the huge city all by herself. After a month’s eight-to-five days and take-outs she gets somewhat homesick, but to her rescue comes Alicia who suggests the mighty world of Internet searches and secured sights of Online Dating. At first the idea of chatting with a stranger goes against her grain, but as the days keep happening around the clock and the nights become lonelier Mary accepts Alicia’s offer. They skip the personality tests and beating around the family history, because Mary knows exactly what she wants. “Is there any man out there that knows how to bake a muffin from scratch?” Alicia joins Mary in the waiting. To their surprise Mary gets at least fifty replies during the next hour and the both know that happy days are to begin.
Long story short, if it was not for the Online Dating Site, Mary might never have met the love of her life that happens to live around the corner; has a vegetable and herb garden, distils his own wine and wears his hair tied in a ponytail. However, Mary still has to figure out a decent way to tell her family about how they’ve met when they enter her hometown next weekend on Rob’s Harley Davidson.