Thursday, September 15, 2011

Worldwide Delivery


With the Toronto International Film Festival for 2011 almost over, Canada is getting ready for the chilly Fall starting October 23. However, before we get there, let us recap the buzz that once again placed Canada on the map. It was amazing to see people from all over the world with passes hanging around their necks while carrying heavy camera equipment to either attend press conferences, red carpet events or meeting potential buyers in the Media Lounge.

Between these professional industry people were the streetwalkers with camcorders, Androids, BlackBerry or iPhones and digital cameras ready to get an action picture or footage as the celebrity in the Cadillac pulls over. Some got lucky, others had to wait for the next time around. This time of the year is a rewarding time to hang around between the theatres and coffee shops in Toronto, regardless of who one might see.

On the train on my way back home I had a good view of all the students getting ready to go back to school.  Whether they are searching their class schedules or adding new friends on Facebook, they have laptops on the trays flashing the strength of Wi-Fi signals and gadgets plugged into their ears.

Next to me sits an older lady on her way to visit her grandchildren in Stratford. She knits, looks through the window, sips on her tea and continues to knit the red sweater.  “It is chilly,” she says. I nod in agreement. “The nice part of a new season is wearing clothes long forgotten; in my home country all seasons are more or less the same and as a child I never had the chance to wear boots or furry coats.”

I look through the vouchers and handouts received during the festival and find the postcard with compliments from Canada Post: For mailing in Canada and Delivery Worldwide (, I hand it to the lady: “please have it and send my regards...”

The lady next to me looks at the picture of John Candy printed on the front, “he sure is a handsome gentleman,” she says and reaches for a pen in her purse, “thank you kindly.”

“No, thank you.”

Modern day fashion depends on what you carry in your hand, not what you wear and this is most likely not to change. It is nice to have an HD-camcorder, laptop and cell phone to be in touch with the Wi-Fi world out there. It is, however nice to know that a handwritten postcard to a sunny country and a red knitted sweater from grandma still have a place.    


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